Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Role of Breed of Executive Coach's in todays World

More than ever before there is an emergency to bail out the globe today with outstanding leadership. The kind of leadership which will save the planet and humanity.

While there is a quantum of focus devoted by the Fouth Estate on global economy and the adjacent periphery of finance , equity and emergance of third world countries as a global force to reckon , the Noble Peace Prize conferred upon the rare focus and determination of The InterGovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Al Gore Jr is a powerful voice crying out for visibility and attention from the power that are around the world to recoganise the precarious issue of Global Warming.

Also the increasing menace of the terror avalance sweeping both the developed countries and the third world is a cause of worry creeping into every household seeking a brighter tommorow.

Again we are fast evolving as a world of distinct islands of prosperity and progress as the issues of economic islands , digital divide and other urban western culture stereo types are fragmenting a planet which is craving for Inclusive Progress and Prosperity of Humanity.

I am of the belief that there is a need to mentor and create a pipeline of leadership ammunition to combat the above divisive forces with pluralistic vision of a welfare planet. The kind of vision which is found wanting as we count our fragile steps in progress when a world order is diminishing akin to running a reverse marathon to undo the 100 years of recent progress of humanity.

Nobel Peace Prize conferred this year has a telling message to humanity. Its time to wake up and build a Pluralistic , Inclusive Global Welfare Project to save Planet Earth. And we need armies of leaders with this shared vision is every sphere of life from all around the globe.

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